Step 1 ~ Fetch Token Data

Step 2 ~ Owner Wallet

🚨 The Owner Wallet is the wallet used to deploy the contract.

Step 3 ~ Master Wallet

🚨 Master Wallet will pay the bundleZen Fee and distribute ETH to your bundle wallets.

🚨 Ensure that the balance in your Master Wallet is sufficient, as recommended based on your mcSimulation results.

Step 4 ~ Bundle Wallets

🚨 Please input the data as your mcSimulation.

🚨 Number of Wallet below; ONLY YOUR WALLETS. zen Wallets (if any) will be created by the app automatically

Step 5 ~ Simulate Bundle

T O K E N ___ D E T A I L S
T R A N S A C T I O N ___ D E T A I L S

Step 6 ~ Launch with Bundle


S U C C E S S F U L ___ L A U N C H